Another Story About A Fascist Old Wrestler You’ve Never Heard Of
Because one story about a racist South African wrestler on this blog wasn’t enough, I uncover what little there is to know about the wrestling career of Manie Maritz, and how much more there is to know about his actions outside of the ring.
This Is Not A Royal Rumble Review
I watched the 2025 WWE Royal Rumble, and it made me think of all of the ways that WWE run counter to everything I feel about how pro-wrestling should be presented. And I did my best to put that into words.

World’s End 2024, and the state of AEW
My review of AEW’s last show of 2024, and growing frustrations with the company’s booking.

AEW Full Gear 2024
In which I give my thoughts on AEW Full Gear, the CostCo guys, and an analogy to a book about stage magic written in 1911. Nobody else is writing wrestling reviews quite like this.

George Hackenschmidt & Me - A Historical Moment
In 1908, George Hackenschmidt wrestled Joe Rogers in London. In 2024, 116 years later, footage of that fight emerged. I write about what it means to me, after spending years researching the life and times of George Hackenschmidt, to see the man himself in action, and how this footage should exonerate him in the eyes of history.

AEW Wrestledream 2024 Thoughts
Thoughts on one of AEW's odder PPVs, the seeming end of the wrestling career of Bryan Danielson, and what comes next for a heel-heavy promotion in turmoil, with an unfortunate amount of fantasy booking.

Le Domino Rouge, Orion & Kendo Nagasaki - the Magic & Mystery of the Mask
How a glamorous masked dancer in the 1900s changed the course of professional wrestling and American burlesque, with an exploration of the role of the mask in wrestling and pop culture myth-making - taking in Kendo Nagasaki, the Masked Marvel, and maybe Elvis Presley? [citation needed]

Review: AAA Triplemania XXXII Mexico City
My thoughts on Triplemania XXXII Mexico City, the wrestling equivalent of repeatedly stepping on a rake that hates you.

Donald Trump: The Kayfabe President?
In the aftermath of an assassination attempt, I look at the oft-cited suggestion that Donald Trump can be explained through the lens of pro-wrestling, and at Trump’s history with WWE.
Photo by Sean Ferigan on Unsplash

Review: AAA Triplemania XXXII - Tijuana
AAA’s latest chaotic supercard - featuring the Vampiro retirement tour, Jeff Jarrett, thoughts on the Wyatt 6 and when wrestling isn’t wrestling, and a chaotic lucha family tree.

My Friend Twiggy, & The Wrestlers Who Made Soho
An exercise in autobiography and psychogeography, in this long read I reflect on a formative and life-altering friendship while looking at the wrestlers who shaped London’s Soho in the second half of the 20th century.

Between The Rock & A Hard Place, The Rhodes To Wrestlemania
How many puns is too many puns for one title?

Bunkum & Bullsh*t - The Mandela Effect
A meandering look at the internet’s favourite elaborate explanation for false memories, and why people will believe any old nonsense. Featuring Bigfoot.

Thoughts on AEW World’s End
My thoughts on AEW’s last PPV of 2023, Worlds End, and of the current state of AEW.

Panther Pleasants - Wrestling in Hitler’s Shadow
The story of Eric “Panther” Pleasants, the Norfolk wrestler who fought for Hitler.

Ghoulish Grapplers & Monstrous Matmen - Wrestling in the Spooky Season
It’s the Spooky Season, so here’s a look at the classic movie monsters that have graced the wrestling ring - vampires, Frankenstein’s monster and, most of all, Mummies.

Forever - Remembering Terry Funk
I pay tribute to the greatest of all time, my hero, Terry Funk.